
Calendar of Events

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S Sun

0 events,

6 events,


Using microfluidics for quantitative studies of post-embryonic development in C. elegans


Groupe de Réflexion SIDA (GRS) meeting : Mechanisms of HIV antigen presentation

1 event,


EDC 10 : Celebrating a decade of Epigenetics and Cell Fate

1 event,

2 events,

Journées du Protéome Vert

2nd Cell Biology and Cancer course

3 events,

10e édition de la conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences de la Vie – Young Researchers in Life Science (YRLS)

3 events,

The structure and function ot the mammalian plasma membrane

1 event,

2 events,

HIV pathogenesis: lessons from HIV-2

3 events,


Proteolytic remodeling of the extracellular matrix: From branching morphogenesis to cancer metastasis

2 events,


Differentiation therapy of cancer

3 events,


Paris Redox 2019 – Oxidative Stress Reduction, Redox Homeostasis and Antioxidants

2 events,

4 events,


Journée annuelle du centre de référence de la maladie de Castleman


Metabolic adaptation underlies epigenetic reprogramming in chemotherapy resistant breast cancer


Club Muscle

3 events,

Symposium NICIS 2019 : Neuro-prognostication in the ICU : from basic neuroscience to medical decision


Decoding tumor genomes through the hierarchical pathway architecture of the cancer cell

4 events,


Inducible and deterministic forward programming of human pluripotent stem cells into somatic cell types. The stem cell promise fulfilled ?


C3BI. Seminar: Interpreting the cancer genome through physical and functional models of the cancer cell

2 events,


8 events,


Un doctorat, et après?


C3BI Seminar : New computanional tools for the analysis of microbiome dynamics


Les Grandes Avancées Françaises en Biologie présentées par leurs auteurs 2019


5 à 7 – Cycle de conférence avec un académicien : Rencontre avec Marc Fontecave – Entre chimie et biologie, un chimiste (bio)inspiré

3 events,

Biotech France International Conference & Exhibition

4 events,

9èmes Rencontres de la SFEDP : Société Française d’Endocrinologie et Diabétologie Pédiatrique