Decoding tumor genomes through the hierarchical pathway architecture of the cancer cell

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Decoding tumor genomes through the hierarchical pathway architecture of the cancer cell

20/06/2019 @ 11 h 00 min - 12 h 30 min

Decoding tumor genomes through the hierarchical pathway architecture of the cancer cell

Trey Ideker (Cancer Cell Map Initiative, San Diego Center for Systems Biology, UC San Diego School of Medicine)
Jeudi 20 juin de 11h à 12h30, amphithéâtre Marie Curie, Centre de Recherche de Paris

Although cancer is governed by complex molecular systems, the composition and modular organization of these systems remains poorly understood. I will describe efforts by the Cancer Cell Map Initiative (CCMI) to generate large protein interaction maps of tumor cells, which we are integrating with existing molecular and structural data to assemble a comprehensive multiscale map of cancer cell biology. The current draft map contains a hierarchy of ~250 systems covering both known hallmarks and unexpected components. Integration with tumor mutation profiles suggests that the modules under strongest selective pressure in cancer are often not genes, but extend upwards in scale to include protein complexes, broad cellular processes, and organelles. This observation suggests a classification of cancer based on convergence of mutations at key bottlenecks in the hierarchy of cellular systems.


11 h 00 min - 12 h 30 min
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Curie Institute
26 rue d'Ulm
Paris, 75005 France
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Institut Curie