T3S-1124 - UMR-S 1124
Université de Paris
Campus Saint-Germain-des-Près
45 rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06

Fax : +33 (0) 1 42 86 38 68

Virginie Beray-Berthat

Associate professor, MCU Paris Descartes
Pharmacology and Addiction Therapies

virginie.berthat@-Code to remove to avoid
room H436


Virginie Beray-Berthat holds a Pharm D (2000) and a PhD in Pharmacology from Paris Descartes University (2003). During her thesis, she worked on oxidative stress and inflammation in pre-clinical models of cerebral ischemia, under the supervision of Dr Isabelle Margaill and Pr Michel Plotkine in unit EA4475 (« Pharmacologie de la Circulation Cérébrale », Faculty of Pharmacy, Paris Descartes University).

Her post-doctoral intership at INSERM U289 (Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris) in collaboration with Drs Etienne Hirsch and Stéphane Hunot focused on the neuroinflammation and the blood brain barrier permeability in experimental Parkinson’s disease.

In 2004, she was recruited as an associate professor in Pharmacology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Paris Descartes University. In the research team « Pharmacologie de la Circulation Cérébrale » (unit EA4475 directed by Pr Michel Plotkine and then by Pr Catherine Marchand-Leroux), she worked on experimental cerebral ischemia in collaboration with Pr Isabelle Margaill, studying post-ischemic vascular damages related to neuroinflammation, hemorrhages, endothelial cells, blood brain barrier and microvesicles.

In 2019, she joined the team of Dr Florence Noble (PharmAddict CNRS ERL 3649) at Inserm UMR-S1124 (T3S “Environmental Toxicity, Therapeutic Targets, cellular Signaling and Biomarkers”) of Pr Robert Barouki, at the Saints Pères University Center (Paris University). She works now on the interactions between post-traumatic stress disorders and addiction, with a focus on neuroinflammation.

Recent Publications
