Odile Kellermann

T3S-1124 - UMR-S 1124
Université de Paris
Campus Saint-Germain-des-Près
45 rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06

Fax : +33 (0) 1 42 86 38 68

Pr. Odile Kellermann

University Professor
Stem cells, Signaling and prions

odile.kellermann@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-u-paris.fr
+33 1 42 86 20 65, room R287


Odile Kellermann was a student at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS – Ulm). She obtained a teaching degree (« Agrégation ») of Biochemistry-Physiology and defended a Ph.D. in Biochemistry (University Paris VII). She is Professor (PREX) at the University Paris Sud Orsay – ENS-Ulm and co-head of the team « Stem Cells, Signaling and Prions » at the University Paris Descartes.

Since the seventies, Odile Kellermann has been involved in stem cell research. As a student in François Jacob’s laboratory at the Pasteur Institute, she developed a strategy of immortalization of precursors of mesodermal, neuroectodermal and endodermal lineages. Since 1987, the central theme of research of the team has dealt with the signaling pathways that sustain the homeostasis of stem cells, the coordinated implementation of specialized phenotypic functions and the maintenance of a differentiated state.

Awards: Nominated at the “Institut Universitaire de France”, as Junior Member (1991). Chevalier dans l’Ordre de la Légion d’Honneur (1997). Laureate of the Sciences Academia, prize “Dr. et Mme Henri Labbé” (2002); “Officier des Palmes Académiques” (2002).

Recent Publications
