
Groupe de Réflexion SIDA (GRS) meeting : Mechanisms of HIV antigen presentation

Institut Pasteur 25-28 rue du Dr Roux, Paris, France

Identification of novel targets for HIV-specific CD8+ T cells on HIV-infected cells : Persephone Borrow (Nuffield Department of Medicine, Oxford University, UK) Antigen processing and presentation in HIV infection : Sylvie Le Gall (Ragon Institute, Cambridge, USA) From CTLs to the HIV translatome : Arnaud Moris (I2BC, Gif sur Yvette) Lundi 28 mai à 16h,…
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EDC 10 : Celebrating a decade of Epigenetics and Cell Fate

Institut Jacques Monod 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris

The Centre for Epigenetics and Cell Fate (UMR 7216 Epigénétique et Destin Cellulaire) was created in 2009 by the Université Paris Diderot and the CNRS. Thus began an ambitious project to build a new research and teaching center dedicated to epigenetics in the context of cell differentiation, development and disease. Over the past decade, the…
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Journées du Protéome Vert

AgroParisTech 16 rue Claude Bernard, Paris

Organisées par la plateforme PAPPSO, AgroParisTech et l'IJPB Le Protéome Vert est un réseau français qui réunit les plateformes ainsi que les laboratoires impliqués dans la protéomique végétale. Il organise chaque année une journée de rencontre à laquelle sont conviés les scientifiques et le personnel technique afin d'échanger sur leurs derniers développements méthodologiques et résultats…
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2nd Cell Biology and Cancer course

OBJECTIVES The objective of the course is to expose PhD and Master students coming from European laboratories to cutting edge concepts in the fields of cell biology and cancer cell biology. WORKSHOPS In the evenings the students will present their work as in 10 min Chalk talk in closed environment. One of the evenings will…
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10e édition de la conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences de la Vie – Young Researchers in Life Science (YRLS)

Institut Imagine 24 Boulevard du Montparnasse, Paris, France

Since the foundation of the Young Researchers in Life Sciences (YRLS) Federation in 2009, a life sciences international conference covering a wide variety of disciplines is organized by motivated researchers from renowned Parisian research institutes each year. Du 4 au 6 juin, Institut IMAGINE Informations Inscription

HIV pathogenesis: lessons from HIV-2

Institut Cochin 22 rue Méchain, Paris, France

ANRS AC41 Les 11 et 12 juin à l’Institut Cochin The goal of this meeting is to discuss HIV-2 infection, so unique in terms of viral load and disease progression. This workshop will focus on HIV-2 basic science, providing opportunities for in depth discussions about HIV-2 hallmarks and to what extent the study of HIV-2…
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Differentiation therapy of cancer

Collège de France 11 place Marcelin Berthelot, Paris, France

CHAIRE ONCOLOGIE CELLULAIRE ET MOLÉCULAIRE Année académique 2018-2019 Hugues de THÉ, Professeur Colloque Differentiation therapy of cancer Vendredi 14 juin, amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Collège de France Programme

Paris Redox 2019 – Oxidative Stress Reduction, Redox Homeostasis and Antioxidants

The 21st International Conference on Oxidative Stress Reduction, Redox Homeostasis and Antioxidants - Paris Redox 2019 - will be organized at Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France on June 20-21, 2019. During Paris Redox World Congress 2019, we will discuss the role of antioxidants as modulators of redox signaling pathways rather than players that counteract oxidative…
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