T3S-1124 - UMR-S 1124
Université de Paris
Campus Saint-Germain-des-Près
45 rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06
Fax : +33 (0) 1 42 86 38 68
Dr. Benoît Schneider
CNRS researcher, DR-CNRS
Stem cells, Signaling and prions
benoit.schneider@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-u-paris.fr
+33 1 42 86 22 09, room R294
Students :
Benoit Schneider is currently co-head of the team “Stem Cells, Signaling and Prions” at the University Paris Descartes. He attended the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Cachan, 1993-1997), where he obtained a teaching degree in Biochemistry (“Agrégation”) and a Master 2 in Molecular and Cell biology (University Pierre-et-Marie Curie, Paris). After obtaining a Ph.D. in biochemistry, enzymology, and structural biology (University Pierre-et-Marie Curie, Paris) in 2001 at the Pasteur Institute (Paris), he joined the laboratory of Odile Kellermann (CNRS, Villejuif) as a post-doctoral fellow to work on neuronal differentiation and prions. He subsequently got a position as “Chargé de Recherche” (scientist) in 2003 in the National Center for Scientific Research of France (CNRS). He defended an “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” in 2007 and became Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique dispensing lectures in biochemistry and toxicology. In 2014, he was promoted to “Directeur de Recherche” (principal investigator) in the CNRS.
Recent Publications
Baudry A, Schneider B, Launay JM, Kellermann O : Biochimie, 2019
Baudry A, Pietri M, Launay JM, Kellermann O, Schneider B : Front Neurosci, 2019
Ezpeleta J, Baudouin V, Arellano-Anaya ZE, Boudet-Devaud F, Pietri M, Baudry A, Haeberlé AM, Bailly Y, Kellermann O, Launay JM, Schneider B : Nat Commun, 2019
Miozzo F, Arnould H, de Thonel A, Schang AL, Sabéran-Djoneidi D, Baudry A, Schneider B, Mezger V : Cell Stress Chaperones, 2018
Ezpeleta J, Boudet-Devaud F, Pietri M, Baudry A, Baudouin V, Alleaume-Butaux A, Dagoneau N, Kellermann O, Launay JM, Schneider B : Sci Rep, 2017
Mehrabian M, Brethour D, Williams D, Wang H, Arnould H, Schneider B, Schmitt-Ulms G : PLoS One, 2016
Baudry A, Alleaume-Butaux A, Dimitrova-Nakov S, Goldberg M, Schneider B, Launay JM, Kellermann O : Stem Cells, 2015
Baudry A, Launay JM, Goldberg M, Schneider B, Kellermann O : Med Sci (Paris), 2015
Alleaume-Butaux A, Nicot S, Pietri M, Baudry A, Dakowski C, Tixador P, Ardila-Osorio H, Haeberlé AM, Bailly Y, Peyrin JM, Launay JM, Kellermann O, Schneider B : PLoS Pathog, 2015
Hernandez-Rapp J, Martin-Lannerée S, Hirsch TZ, Pradines E, Alleaume-Butaux A, Schneider B, Baudry A, Launay JM, Mouillet-Richard S : Sci Rep, 2014
Pietri M, Alleaume-Butaux A, Launay JM, Kellermann O, Schneider B : Med Sci (Paris), 2014
Deleglise B, Lassus B, Soubeyre V, Alleaume-Butaux A, Hjorth JJ, Vignes M, Schneider B, Brugg B, Viovy JL, Peyrin JM : PLoS One, 2013
Pietri M, Dakowski C, Hannaoui S, Alleaume-Butaux A, Hernandez-Rapp J, Ragagnin A, Mouillet-Richard S, Haik S, Bailly Y, Peyrin JM, Launay JM, Kellermann O, Schneider B : Nat Med, 2013
Sacquin A, Chaigneau T, Defaweux V, Adam M, Schneider B, Bruley Rosset M, Eloit M : Brain Behav Immun, 2012
Schneider B, Pietri M, Pradines E, Loubet D, Launay JM, Kellermann O, Mouillet-Richard S : Front Biosci (Landmark Ed), 2011
Baudry A, Mouillet-Richard S, Schneider B, Launay JM, Kellermann O : Med Sci (Paris), 2011
Loubet D, Dakowski C, Pietri M, Pradines E, Bernard S, Callebert J, Ardila-Osorio H, Mouillet-Richard S, Launay JM, Kellermann O, Schneider B : FASEB J, 2011
Baudry A, Mouillet-Richard S, Schneider B, Launay JM, Kellermann O : Science, 2010
Baudry A, Mouillet-Richard S, Schneider B, J-M Launay, O Kellermann : Science, 2010
Pradines E, Loubet D, Mouillet-Richard S, Manivet P, Launay JM, Kellermann O, Schneider B : J Neurochem, 2009
Ermonval M, Baudry A, Baychelier F, Pradines E, Pietri M, Oda K, Schneider B, Mouillet-Richard S, Launay JM, Kellermann O : PLoS One, 2009
Boncompain G, Schneider B, Delevoye C, Kellermann O, Dautry-Varsat A, Subtil A : Infect Immun, 2009
Mouillet-Richard S, Nishida N, Pradines E, Laude H, Schneider B, Féraudet C, Grassi J, Launay JM, Lehmann S, Kellermann O : J Biol Chem, 2008
Pradines E, Loubet D, Schneider B, Launay JM, Kellermann O, Mouillet-Richard S : Cell Signal, 2008
Mouillet-Richard S, Schneider B, Pradines E, Pietri M, Ermonval M, Grassi J, Richards JG, Mutel V, Launay JM, Kellermann O : Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2007
Pietri M, Caprini A, Mouillet-Richard S, Pradines E, Ermonval M, Grassi J, Kellermann O, Schneider B : J Biol Chem, 2006
Launay JM, Schneider B, Loric S, Da Prada M, Kellermann O : FASEB J, 2006
Schneider B, Pietri M, Mouillet-Richard S, Ermonval M, Mutel V, Launay JM, Kellermann O : Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2006
Pietri M, Schneider B, Mouillet-Richard S, Ermonval M, Mutel V, Launay JM, Kellermann O : FASEB J, 2005