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HIV pathogenesis: lessons from HIV-2
11/06/2019 @ 8 h 00 min - 12/06/2019 @ 17 h 00 min
Les 11 et 12 juin à l’Institut Cochin
The goal of this meeting is to discuss HIV-2 infection, so unique in terms of viral load and disease progression.
This workshop will focus on HIV-2 basic science, providing opportunities for in depth discussions about HIV-2 hallmarks and to what extent the study of HIV-2 infection could contribute to open new avenues towards HIV remission and cure. The meeting will gather HIV-2 experts to promote collaborative studies towards a better understanding of the viral and host factors that impact viral load and disease progression profiles, treatment and the course of the epidemics.
The program combines lectures from invited speakers, as well as short talks from selected abstracts.
All informations on web site: Symposium_HIV2_ANRS