T3S-1124 - UMR-S 1124
Université de Paris
Campus Saint-Germain-des-Près
45 rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06
Fax : +33 (0) 1 42 86 38 68
Anne Baudry
INSERM researcher, CR- INSERM
Stem cells, Signaling and prions
anne.baudry@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-u-paris.fr
+33 1 42 86 20 67, room R287
2002 : PhD, Biochemistry and molecular biology – University Paris XI / Cochin Institute
1997 : MSc, Endocrinology and cellular interactions – University Paris XI / Cochin Institute
Present Position
2011-…: INSERM Researcher (CR1). Paris Descartes University, INSERM UMR-S 1124, Team “Stem Cell, Signaling and Prions”.
Version Française
2002 : Doctorat de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire – Université Paris XI / Institut Cochin
1997 : DEA Endocrinologie et interactions cellulaires – Université Paris XI / Institut Cochin
Fonctions actuelles
2011-…: Chargé de Recherche INSERM (CR1). Université Paris Descartes, INSERM UMR-S 1124, Equipe “Cellules Souches, Signalisation et Prions”.
Recent Publications
- Serotonin in stem cell based-dental repair and bone formation: A review.
Baudry A, Schneider B, Launay JM, Kellermann O : Biochimie, 2019 - Multifaceted Regulations of the Serotonin Transporter: Impact on Antidepressant Response.
Baudry A, Pietri M, Launay JM, Kellermann O, Schneider B : Front Neurosci, 2019 - Production of seedable Amyloid-β peptides in model of prion diseases upon PrP-induced PDK1 overactivation.
Ezpeleta J, Baudouin V, Arellano-Anaya ZE, Boudet-Devaud F, Pietri M, Baudry A, Haeberlé AM, Bailly Y, Kellermann O, Launay JM, Schneider B : Nat Commun, 2019 - Alcohol exposure promotes DNA methyltransferase DNMT3A upregulation through reactive oxygen species-dependent mechanisms.
Miozzo F, Arnould H, de Thonel A, Schang AL, Sabéran-Djoneidi D, Baudry A, Schneider B, Mezger V : Cell Stress Chaperones, 2018 - Protective role of cellular prion protein against TNFα-mediated inflammation through TACE α-secretase.
Ezpeleta J, Boudet-Devaud F, Pietri M, Baudry A, Baudouin V, Alleaume-Butaux A, Dagoneau N, Kellermann O, Launay JM, Schneider B : Sci Rep, 2017 - Essential Roles of Dopamine and Serotonin in Tooth Repair: Functional Interplay Between Odontogenic Stem Cells and Platelets.
Baudry A, Alleaume-Butaux A, Dimitrova-Nakov S, Goldberg M, Schneider B, Launay JM, Kellermann O : Stem Cells, 2015 - [Activated platelets help to repair teeth through recruitment of pulpal stem cells].
Baudry A, Launay JM, Goldberg M, Schneider B, Kellermann O : Med Sci (Paris), 2015 - Double-Edge Sword of Sustained ROCK Activation in Prion Diseases through Neuritogenesis Defects and Prion Accumulation.
Alleaume-Butaux A, Nicot S, Pietri M, Baudry A, Dakowski C, Tixador P, Ardila-Osorio H, Haeberlé AM, Bailly Y, Peyrin JM, Launay JM, Kellermann O, Schneider B : PLoS Pathog, 2015 - In vitro bioactivity of Bioroot™ RCS, via A4 mouse pulpal stem cells.
Dimitrova-Nakov S, Uzunoglu E, Ardila-Osorio H, Baudry A, Richard G, Kellermann O, Goldberg M : Dent Mater, 2015 - A PrP(C)-caveolin-Lyn complex negatively controls neuronal GSK3β and serotonin 1B receptor.
Hernandez-Rapp J, Martin-Lannerée S, Hirsch TZ, Pradines E, Alleaume-Butaux A, Schneider B, Baudry A, Launay JM, Mouillet-Richard S : Sci Rep, 2014 - Pulp stem cells: implication in reparative dentin formation.
Dimitrova-Nakov S, Baudry A, Harichane Y, Kellermann O, Goldberg M : J Endod, 2014 - Plithotaxis, a collective cell migration, regulates the sliding of proliferating pulp cells located in the apical niche.
Hirata A, Dimitrova-Nakov S, Djole SX, Ardila H, Baudry A, Kellermann O, Simon S, Goldberg M : Connect Tissue Res, 2014 - Deletion of serotonin 2B receptor provokes structural alterations of mouse dental tissues.
Dimitrova-Nakov S, Baudry A, Harichane Y, Collet C, Marchadier A, Kellermann O, Goldberg M : Calcif Tissue Int, 2013 - [miR-16 - a key for adaptive responses of neurons to fluoxetine].
Baudry A, Mouillet-Richard S, Schneider B, Launay JM, Kellermann O : Med Sci (Paris), 2011 - New views on antidepressant action.
Baudry A, Mouillet-Richard S, Launay JM, Kellermann O : Curr Opin Neurobiol, 2011 - MicroRNAs and depression.
Mouillet-Richard S, Baudry A, Launay JM, Kellermann O : Neurobiol Dis, 2011 - Enamel alterations in serotonin 2B receptor knockout mice.
Harichane Y, Dimitrova-Nakov S, Marchadier A, Collet C, Baudry A, Vidal C, Kamoun-Goldrat A, Kellermann O, Goldberg M : Eur J Oral Sci, 2011 - Serotonergic 5-HT(2B) receptor controls tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase activity in osteoblasts via eicosanoids and phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C.
Baudry A, Bitard J, Mouillet-Richard S, Locker M, Poliard A, Launay JM, Kellermann O : J Biol Chem, 2010 - miR-16 targets the serotonin transporter: a new facet for adaptive responses to antidepressants.
Baudry A, Mouillet-Richard S, Schneider B, Launay JM, Kellermann O : Science, 2010 - The serotonergic 5-HT2B receptor controls Tissue Non-specific Alkaline Phosphatase activity in osteoblasts via eicosanoïds and phosphoinositol-specific phospholipase C
Baudry A, Bitard J, Mouillet-Richard S, Locker M, Poliard A, Launay JM, O Kellermann : J Biol Chem, 2010 - The microRNA-16 targets the serotonergic ransporter: a new facet for adaptative responses to antidepressant
Baudry A, Mouillet-Richard S, Schneider B, J-M Launay, O Kellermann : Science, 2010 - The cellular prion protein interacts with the tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase in membrane microdomains of bioaminergic neuronal cells.
Ermonval M, Baudry A, Baychelier F, Pradines E, Pietri M, Oda K, Schneider B, Mouillet-Richard S, Launay JM, Kellermann O : PLoS One, 2009 - Dosage-dependent effects of Akt1/protein kinase Balpha (PKBalpha) and Akt3/PKBgamma on thymus, skin, and cardiovascular and nervous system development in mice.
Yang ZZ, Tschopp O, Di-Poï N, Bruder E, Baudry A, Dümmler B, Wahli W, Hemmings BA : Mol Cell Biol, 2005 - Genetic manipulation of insulin signaling, action and secretion in mice. Insights into glucose homeostasis and pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.
Baudry A, Leroux L, Jackerott M, Joshi RL : EMBO Rep, 2002